Nutrafol Women's Balance


Maintain Healthy Hair Growth and Hair Thickness

Ingredients in Nutrafol Hair Growth Supplements formula address existing hair loss and thinning, and also serve as a preventative and anti-aging regimen to maintain healthy hair growth and thickness. Nutrafol can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments like PRP and Skin Wellness ProGrow treatments.

An excellent preventative option for those with early signs of hair health changes, or if you just want to have thicker, fuller, healthier hair.

Nutrafol Women’s Balance Ingredients

  • Tocotrienols Complex – A form of Vitamin E extracted from EvNol palm oil, was shown in a clinical study to support healthy hair growth.

  • Ashwagandha – Sensoril ashwagandha is clinically shown to decrease the levels of hair damaging stress hormone Cortisol and C-reactive protein (CRP) as well as improve resistance to stress in highly stressed adults.

  • Curcumin – The “Swiss Army knife” of botanicals, curcumin is a potent antioxidant and has been shown to lower inflammatory biomarkers, like CRP, in clinical studies. Extracted from turmeric, curcumin optimizes the immune system + fights many inflammatory molecules that interrupt optimal hair growth.

  • Saw Palmetto – Extracted with a dual-patented CO2 ultrahigh-pressure technology. Saw palmetto is shown to help prevent testosterone conversion to DHT, a naturally occurring hormone in the body that contributes to thinning hair by shrinking hair follicles.

  • Marine Collagen – Rebuild the structural integrity of the hair follicle environment, improve moisture, and promote the diffusion of nutrients. Hydrolyzed to low molecular weight for better bioavailability. Sourced from North Atlantic Cod.

  • Saw Palmetto – Clinically tested to help prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a hormone linked to thinning hair through miniaturization and fibrosis of the hair follicle.

  • Organic Maca Root – Sourced from organic farms in Peru, Maca is shown to naturally promote the balance of hormones. Changes in hormones during menopause have been linked to poor hair health.

  • Astaxanthin – A potent antioxidant known to promote healthy aging and longevity.

  • Black Pepper Fruit Extract – Extracted from the black pepper fruit and standardized to 95% piperine, the patented Bio-Perine® in Nutrafol plays an important role in the absorption of bioactive nutrients that are necessary for healthy hair. Its active ingredient, piperine, enhances the body’s ability to produce heat and energy, which allows many of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids in Nutrafol to be absorbed and utilized more effectively.

  • Biotin – An essential water-soluble B-complex vitamin, biotin is one of the building blocks of healthy hair growth, needed to metabolize fatty acids and amino acids. The rich levels of biotin in Nutrafol help strengthen hair, as well as combat dryness, breakage, and shedding.

  • Cayenne Red Pepper Fruit Extract – The all-natural, hormone-balancing cayenne red pepper fruit extract in Nutrafol is a powerful agent that helps to combat the effects of stress on the hair, increase protein production and improve circulation in the scalp. It has been shown to decrease levels of the neurotransmitter Substance P, which plays a major role in stress-related hair thinning. The 2-percent capsaicin concentration in our formula activates the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CRGP), a compound demonstrated to stimulate cellular energy and boost protein production in follicles, promoting healthier, stronger hair.

  • Horsetail Herb Extract – The herb horsetail (Equisetum arvense) contains high levels of silica (or silicon dioxide), one of the planet’s most common and most important elements. Standardized to 7 percent silica, it contains silicic acid, which is shown to increase the tensile strength and thickness of hair and reduce brittleness.

  • L-Cysteine Hydrochloride – L-Cysteine is an amino acid available in high-protein foods. It contains sulfur, which is useful for metabolic processes in the body including hair growth. It provides potent antioxidant protection to the follicle and increases hair-shaft diameter, facilitating new growth and giving hair a fuller, thicker appearance.

  • L-Lysine – The essential amino acid L-Lysine promotes hair health when combined with other amino acids. In conjunction with the lysine/arginine blend, it may improve hormone secretion and immune function. Lysine has also shown the potential to work with methionine, a rich source of the mineral sulfur and the structural support of the follicle.

  • L-Methionine – L-Methionine is an essential amino acid necessary for hair growth, aiding the development of the hair shaft. It also helps promote overall scalp health and works against graying.

  • Resveratrol – The antioxidant properties of resveratrol work to defend the follicles and scalp against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Resveratrol also improves blood circulation, enhancing the development, growth and overall quality of hair follicles.

  • Selenium – Selenium produces antioxidant enzymes that can defend against damage to cells, including those in hair follicles. It also helps to maintain proper thyroid function, which benefits the immune system and fosters healthy hair growth.

  • Vitamin A – Vitamin A regulates the synthesis of retinoic acid in the follicle and is an essential component of hair growth and maintenance. It works with zinc to prevent the drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands in the scalp and lubricates the follicles and roots.

  • Vitamin C – The vitamin C in Nutrafol is derived from camu camu, an Amazonian rainforest fruit that contains 60 times more vitamin C per serving than an orange. It acts as a natural stimulant of collagen synthesis, protecting and preserving the body’s existing collagen structures and stores from damage. It’s also a rich source of antioxidants and amino acids.

  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D is a key determinant of richer, healthier hair. A deficiency can take its toll on hair health, leading to weakness and loss. The vitamin D component in Nutrafol helps reduce stress-related damage and contributes significantly to follicles that are rich in vitamin D receptors.

  • Organic Kelp – Our certified organic Icelandic geothermal Kelp is harvested sustainably from the cleanest kelp beds on earth. Kelp is a rich source of natural Iodine and other beneficial bioactive micronutrients. Kelp plays a key role in supporting healthy thyroid hormone production as well as a natural chelator of environmental toxins like heavy metals and toxins that mimic hormones.

  • Zinc – The mineral zinc is vital to the body, playing a key role in more than 300 metabolic functions, including cell reproduction, protein utilization, and maintaining hormonal balance. It is essential to the synthesis process involved in creating and using collagen and is also a powerful wound-healing antioxidant that strengthens the glands attached to hair follicles.

To maximize your results add Stress AdoptogenMD to your hair program. We also recommend PRP or Skin Wellness ProGrow treatments for our hair loss patients


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Nutrafol does not contain gluten, wheat, shellfish, and binders.

This product dues contain Biotin. Biotin can affect certain blood tests ( thyroid and troponin) causing higher or lower levels. Please inform your health care team if you are taking biotin and consider discontinuing biotin 7 days prior to lab testing for thyroid or troponin levels. For a biotin free hair supplement, consider Votesse

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